hi im barry scott

Ron weasley and the saga of the hand-me-down trousers In seven parts. Book it.

off topic, but, this season has been going on for like 7 months now? (excuse my ignorance but i'm english)

I feel asleep during the bray taker match, hmmm…

nice cape Neville, another guy without a firstname!?

40 minutes? that's a very short song. i feel shortchanged

no need to remind him he's getting old, that's really cold Avclub

Oh yeah? That looks promising been on my radar awhile

Yevgeny Zamyatin lying around a while…

I am reading Light by M John Harrison, about a 3rd of the way through. I read double indemnity by James Cain before that, which although clearly an important work, felt dated to me. Then again, I'm not a huge crime fan. Not sure what to read after light, I have had We, by

Yes well put, I was just putting forward my annoyance of how people are constantly portrayed as 'evil' in the media

My problem is I dont really agree that there is such a thing as evil. Selfishness to satisy your misguided angst or bitterness yes, along with a bit of mental illness.

Greed is fine as a biological imperative, we would be nowhere if people only thought of others, we would neglect our own needs. Most men have an inbuilt drive to be the alpha male. I think too many peoples idea of evil stems from biblical ideas of good and evil. A good example of murder for greed is crime and

Well to me murder doesnt stem from evil, it stems from an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain just like depression

Right now im listening to system of a down. Isnt suicide so self righteous, henry?


Shouldnt that be 'Ze comment section'

Wow, he's very confused and hypocritical isn't he

I dunno I dip cheetos in melted camembert

Sounds better than what folks come up with in invent a flavour competition over here

Sensational. They do good ham and cheese over there. What a hamfisted name though…