Paul Caine

The Grand Archives record totally flew under the radar, for whatever reason, but it's so, so good.

I really have to disagree. I'm a Mountain Goats die-hard, but this strikes me as one of his least dynamically varied, least exciting records. Seems to me that after the catharsis of "The Sunset Tree," Darnielle grew more interested in the act of arranging and recording. "The Life Of The World…" has an extraordinarily

I really like Ancient Melodies as well. It's not as strong as Keep It Like A Secret, and the tone doesn't really vary throughout, but it's sturdy and some of the songs ("Strange" in particular) are great.

Ashley looks like Chloe Sevigny in "KIDS". There, I said it.

odd top chef interstitials
I've come to enjoy the 30-second segments in between commercials, usually dedicated to the chefs' drunken reverie. (Tonight it was Mattin's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mattin.) But what's the point of this unconventional editing? I have a pet belief that it's to surmount DVR technology, but I


It's funny, I've never heard the C86 influence in Vivian Girls' music. Aside from the female vocalists and bad recording quality, that is. I think riot-grrrl acts are a better point of comparison (as I noted in my review). Then again, there isn't a riot-grrrl revival going on now as there is with twee-pop, so maybe

I was actually pleased that Mike didn't go, not that I thought he was ever in any danger. He's a talented chef who overreached, and unlike Preeti and Laurine he's performed well in past challenges. The judges never judge dishes in isolation from the people who cooked them. Just look at this episode, in which they made

Belle & Sebastian, The Cardigans, Neko Case, Pink Martini, Jane Birkin, ye-ye music in general. Basically, a female vocalist set to sultry accompaniment that's sometimes "indie" and sometimes lounge music.

@Laika Rollenstone You've hit the nail on the head. I fear for each and every one of my 'COPS' episodes. Currently at 97% capacity, and things are getting dire.

I don't think Sal's had any real sexual experiences with men, either. In a previous episode—and I'm totally forgetting which—he meets a closeted client of S-C at a hotel bar, but is too scared (and/or ashamed) to follow his lead.

Naw, nothing so terrifying as that—Andy and I just thought it was cool.

Krug can disagree with me, if he'd like. Dragonslayer is more focused than Random Spirit Lover, and Krug - with his numerous side projects, including the wanky Swan Lake - has a mixed record in the focus department. (I, for one, thought Random Spirit Lover was overloaded - and I love that album.)

I like Gin Blossoms, and I think that their best work resembles early Byrds. Sometimes shit gets a little shiny, though—and in turn, a little generic. Hence the 'ahem'.

Oops. Wavves. At least it's not Davve Matthews Band.

Why is Waaves being compared to Dave Matthews Band at all? Different sound, different audience, different career stage…Is this just an excuse to talk about hipsters? Because that's cool if it is, but the comparison itself is pretty weak.

Huginkiss FTW.

I know what you mean, carson—the quasi-obligation to slam a band's debut album after hearing a particularly great single months before is, in my opinion, not a good development for independent music. (Think about Black Kids, and the critical obloquy they received after releasing Partie Traumatic). That being said,

scharpling and wurster sketch
This reminds me of that Scharpling and Wurster sketch in which Mother 13—a crap radio band along the lines of, I don't know, Vertical Horizon or Matchbox 20—decides to climb Mt. Everest as a promotional stunt, and takes along Dane Cook's brother to open for them on the summit. I think he