Russel from season 3

What are you guys hoping for in the 3 remaining episodes?

My favorite moment of the episode did not include Norma. It was when the policewoman told Norman he could relax now.

I found it strange how we never got a good look at Norma's office though. Wandering past the other offices with their glass walls and bright lights her office seemed to look dark and tiny and dusty. Like they were giving Norma the crappiest office they could get away with. Not cool, guys!

The only defense for the drug stuff: the two hot bears brought in tonight by the wannabe-druglord. In leather jackets even. They DO read my fan fiction!

Not sure what I disliked about the movie the most. The boredom of it all? The fact that they have two male gay villains who wanna use female body parts, becauseā€¦? Or the rapper/wannabe actor dismissively going: " they are marriedā€¦ in massachusetts".

People want simple. Bisexuality confuses them. You can't possible like BOTH genders, you greedy fuck!!

Rickie from MSCL is black? Aren't his parents mexican or puerto rican?

Why does it even matter? The fact that Quinto played a gay character on "american horror story" sure did not make it any better, that's for sure.

Why is this automatically a "redundant film"? The fact that a story has been told before doesn't mean there can't or shouldn't be different interpretations of that.

It definitely should be. It was a double feature with "psycho" after "hitchcock" and since the scene in question is shown being made in "hitchcock" it was even more jarring. Also it might be my favorite scene.

I took it more as a "strangling the snake" kind of moment.

I also saw "Psycho" on the big screen last year. But it was in Germany and they used old film roles from the '60s and it turns out in it's theatrical run in my country they fucking cut out the whole fucking staircase scene so for all my clueless audience knows Arbogast could still be alive and well.

Yeah, can't say I agree since Norman clearly lives in that world (or will soon) and still seems to be really turned on by Cody (unless she endangers Emma, but it's Emma for Gandalf's sake so his behaviour is absolutely justified!).

Playing music too loudly is a conscious choice though. Who doesn't hate the attention whores you drive by with the windowns rolled down even when it's freezing cold just so everyone can hear what a shitty taste in music they have. And they NEVER play anything decent.

You must REALLY hate Springsteen then, what with him being a white dude and singing "41 shots" and all.

Ray Winstone is SUPER hot. Also a great actor. While I am happy for him getting roles in big american productions it seems for every "the departed" there is a "crystal skull", but at least I hope his paychecks are good.

While I don't agree with what you are saying I find the second half of your sentence terribly fascinating.

Five seasons sounds good to me too. Long enough to get nostalgic about Asian Sex Slave, but not long enough to get nostalgic about The Peltz.

So he could be Norman's real father?

True, but his boyfriends don't exactly get a "happily ever after".