Russel from season 3

Personally I am still hoping for a Scorsese/DeNiro porn collaboration which will blow my mind.

So it's like having them kick a puppy or drown a kitty. That's progress. I guess.

I see. I was wondering why he is called the "gay butler" in the review and therefore thought that would play a part in the beating.

This review gets me curious. So the butler gets beaten up for being gay or what is going on there? Because if that is played for laughs that would make me very uncomforable seeing this, especially in a packed cinema. Should go over really well in Russia and Uganda though. Feel-good movie of the season.

People don't like "The Departed"? I am so out of tune with humanity that I just assumed that it's a popular movie on account of it being good. But then again I only got around to seeing it this year.

People who will be "scandalized by an implied homosexual relationship" are most likely not able to read in general or of eastern european upbringing.

Actually it's the writer's fault so don't take the blame for that. Unless you ARE a writer for MF, in which case fuck you.

"Lily’s mom and Gloria’s husband are given more screen time, but don't generate any more laughs."

Except for the Cyrus thing and the Blurred Lines lyrics I was not aware of any of those other "controversies". I promise to do better next year!

There really is no excuse for me not knowing that a michael-chiklis-tentacle-rape comic exists!

Finally something to look forward to!!

I do love the fact that you mention this show is "diverse in body type" because that is something I feel very strongly about. Reality is not photoshopped like most casting directors make it out to be.

The Cranberries made a song about that.

"Cam, I love you and I want to kiss you now!" "No, Mitchell, my grandmother is in the same house - even though a couple of rooms away - so of course we can't kiss and this doesn't feel contrived at all."

the way stonestreet decides to act "gay" has long ago killed any sexual interest one might have had in him.

Yeah, that IS interesting!! Why can we list bodyparts and professions, but not homophobic slurs?!? What's up with that?!?

He obviously is an immature asshole and an attention whore. That's really all there is to say I think.

As long as it stops Noe from making more movies.

I also really like Carrie vs Jason but you can read so much about the many scenes that had to get cut before it's release (for example the awesome sleeping bag murder was much longer) that it takes most of the fun away from the film. For me at least. But censorship really makes me uneasy and not in a good way.

I don't agree about Part 2 being homophobic. Isn't it rather about the lead character struggling with his coming out and lusting after his best male friend? The writer of the screenplay is gay and seeing him in an interview he seemed to get a kick out of getting this story told.