Russel from season 3

I don't think that Junior's behaviour makes no sense. People hide the fact that they are psychos all the time. Otherwise there never would be any "I had no idea he could do something terrible like this, he was such a nice man and I've known him all my life".

Can you give me some examples? I have only read his adaptation of "the abyss" (which I did love, it's so much better than the movie) and his "iron man" stories (which were shit) so am not familiar with his other works. What about his writing gives you that impression and why?

Well, if this was a Ryan Murphy show then yes, sexual orientation would be a) a phase changing from season to season and b) bisexuality would not exist.

Come on, don't always take the easy way out on this. That guy is fucked up in the head. But it's not like all fucked up in the head homophobes and bigots are secretly gay or bi. Otherwise "high tension" would be a reality show instead of an awesome movie.

I think that's too easy. Sure there are lots of homophobes who are secretly not straight. But most of them are just hateful bigots.

Probably I am not smart enough to realize the supercool cult movie you are quoting here (because let's face it, my memory is not what it used to be) but it is interesting that you a) care about my penis so much (why thank you, he's quite fine) and b) make silly assumptions about what I like to do and don't with it.

I was posting on there when the Vito plot started on "the sopranos" (because I thought somebody had to. I was much more enthusiastic/stupid back then). And while it is a lazy stereotype to say that homophobes are dumb those message boards proved to me that stereotypes do have some truth in it.

I do hope that I will live to see the day when a big blockbuster will feature a non-straight protagonist. People always ask "why does it matter if a character is gay?" and if it wouldn't matter then we would have had several leading characters like that already.

I once tried reading his Iron Man comics. They sucked. That final issue to the first series? That alone should keep anyone from wanting to experience more of his writings. Sure worked for me. Oh yeah, they fact that he uses his money to try and take away my rights doesn't help either.

They don't. My guess is that they are really lazy. Or really stupid. For their sake I hope it's lazyness.

It should be noted here that the german translation of the show is terrible though. Not the voice actors, they are really good. But the translations oftentimes make no sense at all or take the original words and turn them on their heads. Take an episode I saw earlier today. The opening has Bart write "No one wants to

His latest albums have been very good, but I wouldn't say they were "attuned to the dance floor" as most of it was rather slow and mellow and melancholic. I had no idea another album was on it's way but now I am looking forward to it!

I really loved "the skin I live in" but when I saw the trailer for this I knew that this is not my kind of movie. Good for the director that he's so multifaceted though.

If anyone is obsessed with blowing James Gandolfini (amongst other things, I've had time to crush on him since discovering him in 1993 after all) that would be me!

I haven't seen this in a theatre but I can't imagine the audience NOT laughing when the Britney Spears montage is happening. That was really funny. Best montage sequence in a long time.

I did enjoy this film quite a bit, but the characters are anything but endearing. They are terrible people. Also the blond girls all look the same, but maybe it is intentional that you can't keep them apart. After all, their individuality didn't matter at all. All of them were simply aweful soulless creatures.

I can only judge David Yow on this interview as I have no prior knowledge of his existance, but based on what I read here he does sound like a very unpleasant asshole. Good to know that he won't hold that against me though.

You are not really saying that the lack of Cyclops was the main problem with X3, are you?

We are all alone! But that's ok - Brandon Routh is looking out for us. Cavill on the other hand…

I liked this a lot when it was in the cinemas, but watching it on dvd recently I have to say I found it a bit boring at times. Cut out half of the Luthor scenes and I wouldn't have had that problem though.