
Upfronts and pilot pickup season, and the AV Club's coverage of said things, is basically my favorite time of the year.

I don't think I've seen a cast look so completely over it since the waning days of certain WB shows that shall remain unnamed. No one seemed to care in the least that Neal died. I mean, kinda Rumple? A little bit Belle? Emma for like a hot second when he was actively dying. It was the most anti-climactic death and

I tend to think of him as one of the weakest actors, but I'm not even sure that's true. I think it's because the character got me so fed up throughout seasons 2 and 3, that there's probably nothing Andrew Lincoln could have done to help the situation. He makes good and interesting choices in the episode last night,

They don't seem that worried about it when they're shooting deer or catching rabbits. I assume non-bitten game is safe and if the game has been bitten by a zombie, it's probably been eaten to the bones already. I don't think we've ever seen an infected animal on the show. Rick's delightful pigs were sick, but there

Eh. It's still better for me than seasons 2 and 3. My only major complaint was actually the lack of emotional reaction in being reunited with the group. I mean, I know - other priorities - but Daryl and Rick's moment was really lovely and I would have been pleased to see the reunions fleshed out a bit and have more of

Yeah. This is what the show is going to have to sell me on - that there is some internally consistent reason for these people to turn cannibal. It doesn't have to be a good reason, or a sane reason, but it has to at least make sense to the characters who did it, because otherwise I'm like - why don't you plant

IIRC, she actually has not mentioned her name once.

Oh, god. That trailer. Honestly, I expect next week to be SO much worse than this week.

True. And wasn't that a wonderful example of the most clumsy exposition ever?

Yeah, I've started tuning them out. Basically, the only things that work for me on this show anymore are characters and moments that step entirely away from those big, long, dramatic monologues and pronouncements. Like, last night, I found Abby and David's scene in the bedroom fairly compelling, Jake's talking to

Pivot is AWESOME. Buffy, VMars, Farscape, FNL. It was running Daria for a while too.

Beth has grown on me like some kind of terrible fungus. I actually have come to feel that she and Daryl made an interesting point - counterpoint in how one survives a zombie apocalypse. I also found the character - and the actresses portrayal - about 75% less off-putting than when they were at the farm or the prison.

You know, of all the completely inaccurate, over the top batshit things show does and thinks about politics, this is oddly the one that bugs me the most. What president sends their children to boarding school these days? The optics of it are wrong on every level - it makes you look weak on family, you lose out on

I like Jon Tenney, but this show has a way of making me hate every single character*, so I assume I will be less charmed by him soon.

This is sort of true. The actual issue is that the electors in the electoral college from the home state of both candidates cannot vote for both of them, but the electors from other states can. This might actually be an issue with two California candidates because there is such a large amount of electors in that state

You're absolutely right, of course. I'd blocked out the inexplicable multi-season runs of both of those shows. Also, Veronica's Closet.

I love it so much when NBC throws The Voice in front of a show for a while and the demo increase is significant (though still lower than most other networks in the time-slot) and NBC thinks, "We've finally done it! Finally, we found a sitcom (or drama, as the case may be) that really resonates with Americans! Hurrah!

I agree. I think there was a certain contingent of fans who really and truly bought the "Rick is a hero" storyline and hated Lori for sleeping with Shane. I also think there was a certain contingent who thought Andrea was a slut. But mostly, I think rational reasonable people hated Andrea and Lori because they were

Is it still a beet farm, though?

That character beat made no sense for me. It seemed to come entirely out of nowhere - and, if the rationale by the writers was, well the CIA just took a hit and Saul's feeling irrational about headscarves, then they missed something because that's not what I got from it. I got direct contempt and anger at Fara. The