
At 7 seconds in, is that a 3D RENDERED RICKMOBILE?

Became a semi-regular on Big Bang Theory most recently and a non-evangelizing antivaxxer, despite getting an advanced degree in a biological specialty of some sort. Go figure.

Greg proved he's an unreliable narrator by leaving Marty out of previous tellers of the story. I'll bet Marty wasn't that bad.

When do you think will it be revealed that Rose Quartz is a fusion? And that she's not dead, just the fusion is? Have we met the two parts of the fusion yet?

Yes, please cover this. This show is already a classic.

Best moment for me…the Al Jolson boot doing his signature vibrato warble when stuck in the general's neck.

Best moment for me…the Al Jolson boot doing his signature vibrato warble when stuck in the general's neck.