Marcus Carab

If this show wants to retain intelligent viewers, it seriously needs to throw us a bone. Give us ONE character (preferably not a teenage kid) who treats this thing logically. FFS, it's getting ridiculous. How about determining the exact volume of the dome? Doing some experiments to see what the rules are for stuff

"Both my parents are outside the dome, and I don't seem to give a shit about my sister having disappeared, so you guys can stay at my place if you want"

That seizure-shush creeped me *right* out. Like in that way where your instinctual fears kick in and you start looking over your shoulder in your own home…

Same here. I'm seriously doubting that it *was* a specific reference — which is actually pretty disappointing in Futurama terms.

A really hilarious fact I learned from the BBC show QI: in historical actuality, the Spanish Inquisition always gave several weeks' notice.

They are using all the usual beats to set up Nolan & Amanda… like in this episode, we get the shot of Nolan pulling Kenya toward him at the wedding, followed by the focus shift to Amanda looking at them. But then again, they used all the usual beats to set Molly Bloom & Mr. Spectacles up as the Long Term Big Bads, so

So far, she's proven more competent and less prone to overplaying her hand than Cersei

Yeah totally, because critics always get fired for having opinions…

that said, I was a little disappointed that they killed the e-rep guy right as they were starting to make him a bit more interesting…

Datak = Dukat!

I definitely think the gradual reveal of more Indogenes is a very real possibility — but at this point, I don't think I'm willing to put much on any bet. I *really* can't tell what the show is going for at this point, and I'm fascinated by it… At first, it seemed so predictable how all the big stuff was going to

Or maybe she's an Indogene. OR A CYLON!

For a moment, I thought that last shot was going to end with flame engulfing the screen, as though she had tossed the artifact into an incinerator — simply because this show is demonstrating a wholly unexpected (and intriguing) eagerness to torpedo its own mythology. I kind of want the next episode to be a bunch of

Yeah — now turn it up to 11. My point exactly :)

I laughed so hard at that line and Gunther's brief reaction to it. It's beats like that which make me love this show as much as I ever did. Well, among other things.

I love the irony in the fact that Giger ends up having a nice chat with the only people in the galaxy (perhaps other than the Borg) who fit the bill of "soulless minions of orthodoxy"

That's true — but I'd say there's absolutely *no way* that those chalk drawings and artifacts aren't directly related to the aliens, and no way they aren't going to involve the earthquake directly somehow. Though, if I'm wrong I'll be pleasantly surprised, since it means the mystery is at least less obvious than it

Ah, makes sense — I started from scratch last week and watched them all before reading through the reviews (and without having read much about the game or the significance of the Bay Area), so at the time it was just background chatter to me.

Just rewatched the previous episode, and noted a nice little detail: in the first scene with the reporter girl (who comes down with the plague at the very end of the episode), when she's fading in to the background, she's saying that she just arrived from SF Bay with a group of Irathi travellers.

agreed. if it mainly leads to more political machinations between defiance, the earth reps and the voltanis collective, it could potentially be interesting in *that* sense (assuming said machinations are well done) — but, the note in an earlier review that it sounded "like a writer scanned the Wikipedia page for the