That was the case in Wrigley up until this year. They've since built bullpens behind the outfield walls.
That was the case in Wrigley up until this year. They've since built bullpens behind the outfield walls.
But it was going into the stands, and he would've had to make a jumping catch over the rail. Maybe he would've got it, but there sure as hell ain't no guarantee. That's part of baseball, every stadium is a little different and an easy out in one place is anything but in another.
A bunch of people have probably already said this, but: That headline is bullshit, and calling that ball "an easy catch" is pretty far off too. It is acknowledged in the article that there were a lot of other factors in the Cubs losing that game and series, including the shortstop whose name I forget fucking up an…
I'm intrigued by this candy Saturday thing. Do they only eat candy that day? Like, they throw a shitload on the dinner table and everybody just goes nuts? Or is it the only day of the week they eat candy? If the candy is just a supplement or side dish, what goes good as a main dish with candy?
Well, they were thirsty in Atlanta, and there was beer in Texarkana, so what the hell were they supposed to do?
The alt-right are a bunch of assholes, sure, but what kind of super assholes could hate tacos?
Let it Pee
That is one bold, goddamn claim my friend. Every Waffle House is seedy and shady, that's a big part of the allure.
Bannon, obviously.
Amen. I don't know how this is so hard to understand. If you're talking to a reporter, you have to assume it's on the record. I mean, they're reporters. It's their ENTIRE FUCKING JOB to report what people say to them.
I'd donate to a Go Fund Me to pay the bail/public urination ticket of anyone who pissed on Touchdown Jesus and documented it.
Unless you count a slow, cholesterol-laden death as murder.
He didn't say he wasn't drinking urine from them.
Now now, both of your opinions can be wrong.
If this is implying Waffle House is worse than Cracker Barrel, then fuck you, I love Waffle House.
In this hypothetical exercise, did it have to be a place that had "cafe" in the name? Because that would make it quite the challenge.
I heard they didn't even give them a candle to melt the margarine and set the mood. Barbarism.
Heh, Trump learning a lesson. That's rich.
Ah yes, the great state of Mank.
Or a bag full of chips, instead a bag that is 1/3 chips and 2/3 air.