
That's your note for every potential movie script.

Dr. Drew Pinski.

That's probably as likely as the shit they're supposing in this "special."

You're suggesting that Cory Haim is not as historically important as those two distinguished ladies?

I used to work at a newspaper, and one day, we had a story written by my boss about a local business or museum or some such that was displaying an early, historic flight simulator. His story made the point it had been used by famous pilots such as Amelia Earhart. He laughed and said he hadn't even thought of it when I

"Your future is bright, but not so much so as to require shades."

So, what the hell does he have against craft beer? As somebody who loves to drink, I think he'd be for an abundance of good, independently-made beer. But what the hell do I know?

I refuse to believe there could be more than one utterly vapid, good-looking celebrity.

I didn't realize it was a 7% ABV. But it's only about 10 something a sixer 'round here. Like I said, I'm a cheap bastard.

Thanks. I'll definitely be picking some up one of these days.

I asked somebody upthread about Bell's Two Hearted as I'm seeing it around more often, but have avoided it because of its slightly higher cost. But if it's the best somebody's ever had, I think I'm gonna have to try it.

Regarding Bell's Two Hearted, would you say it's good, or worth picking up? It's definitely available in my area, but I've always passed on it as it's a bit more expensive than most of the other craft/independent/whatever beers. Not a whole lot more, but a buck or two per six pack more than the others and I'm a cheap

This guy gets it.

The A.V. Club
My little bit of pedantic asshattery

Exactly. Juice bars will let 'em in at 18!

You'll be hearing from my lawyer, yes my lawyer…

Funny, mine is I Hate Your Kids, Yes Your Kids, and Only Your Kids Because They are Little Assholes.

Talking about hardons, same thing we do on every other article.

Do not try to shrink me, gypsy.

True story: Only two days ago, I was minding my own business, grilling some chicken on my patio. The next door neighbor kids were jumping on the trampoline and loudly, continuously singing Who Let the Dogs Out? Now, I'm not normally one for screaming at children…