
Yeah, where's the nickelback updates?

Conan's new show has me considering paying for cable for the first time in 5 years. At least until TBS discovers "the internet" and posts shows online.

I think it means anal cunt

AV Club is seriously questioning the utility of a pop culture list?

Fantastic to know there are so many John Bellairs fans here. I've got The House… next to my bed right now, and it's just as good as it was 16 years ago.

With any obvious omission from these lists, a quick "Ctrl+F" will reveal that other readers are quick to agree. Seriously, leaving "Man Bites Dog" off of this list is like leaving "Jaws" off of "Underwater Monsters: 17 Scary Cinematic Sea Creatures"

Seriously, I'm pop culture impaired and I knew "bananas" should be on this list. C'mon, AV Club.

Lordi fucking owns.

This shtick will never get old, toaster.

Made me feel like I wasn't cut out to be a movie snob. Good to know it'll only take time.

I'm from the south and had a pretty demanding job with a guy I thought was a highly functioning mentally retarded fellow. Later I found out that he was just from New York. I wish that I were kidding.

Even an animal can hit enter without it double posting, therefore making it look like a bigger douche than intended. Here goes…

fail, sorry.

fail, sorry.

You know what would be neat?
A website that compiled lots of different movie reviews, and summing them up into an easy numerical rating. Nah, it would never work.

You know what would be neat?
A website that compiled lots of different movie reviews, and summing them up into an easy numerical rating. Nah, it would never work.

The Funniest Thing About This
Is that Trent Reznor is a die hard Apple supporter.

LETO II, my relationship of 6 years is also based on a love of bad movies, specifically of the MST3k variety. Also, her hatred of lame music, to keep with the current thread.

Worst anything ever.

Wait, is that a slight against The Muffs or Poison?