
That's a Larry Niven book. Not one of his best, but a very interesting setting.

Each episode is a stand-alone. It's very much a bitter, acquired taste.

Depends. Clive James' Unreliable Memoirs, published when he was only 41, is one of the funniest things I've ever read — but his book was written to be a series of comic anecdotes built loosely around his early life rather than a Meaningful Discussion of Important Topics.

To quote Godwin himself: "If you're thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler or Nazis when you talk about Trump. Or any other politician."

This debate has been done to death, so I'm just going to summarise — Snyder made a film that was very faithful to (most of) the plot and visuals of the comic but still somehow managed to miss the point entirely. Do I hate it? No. But it's a missed opportunity. Same as V For Vendetta.

Trump started with a good idea?

Rot13 tags should be a routine feature of HTML.

There is nothing in that review that makes me think Mike D' found the twist commendable.

I enjoyed Troll Hunters but it's a pretty slight film so I don't think there's any reason not to adapt it, especially if they remember to leave the humour in. (The argument over the bear carcass is hilarious.)

Billy Bush agrees 100%.

I would like to say this is a bit of a sweeping generalisation. There are a handful of people who got rich without being immoral greedy bastards. But only a handful.

The presumption of innocence does not separate the US legal system from the rest of the world. This is the standard legal presumption of most of the world including the UN, the Council of Europe, Russia, Iran, South Africa, almost all Commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand and Canada, not to mention

That really was a great performance. He brought something new and interesting to one of the most played roles in drama history.

Upvoted. But you know almost nobody's gonna get that joke…

Of course the Repubs will keep blocking. The only way they'll stop is if they get kicked down to a minor party — which is very difficult given the way they gerrymandered Congress.

I refuse to forgive Tomorrowland — but my anger is directed at Disney, not Bird.

Or, in this case, don't.

Just once I'd like to see someone stay on the goddamn kilter.

I'll say this for Kanye. He sings better than me.

Say what you will about National Socialists. At least they knew how to laugh.