
People generally love it as action but are not so keen on it as comedy.

Well, the Senate is sort-of accidentally gerrymandered because it massively favours smaller states (2 senators per state means the citizens of Wyoming have 67x the voting power of Californians). But it was set up that way in the beginning to prevent the smaller states being pushed around by the larger ones. Unlike

Dan Rather's situation was different — he had evidence and ran with it until it turned out to be forged evidence.

I assume that any good Terry Collection contains a Gilliam, a Pratchett, and a Garr.

Having Lily wander the house in the dark is fine. Making Lily an ultra-anxious person who hates horror so much she has to steel herself to read a 1950s literary ghost story and then have her wander the house in the dark when she suspects something strange is going on…not so much.

This is true however you cut it. On the plus side, I would much rather accept that I'm seeing through the filter of the filmmakers' choices than watch an unedited video stream of anyone's life. Even the most interesting person in the world does boring things for most of their daily existence.

The chair hanging upside down is just a chair mounted on a wall rack to keep it out of the way when not needed. It's there in every shot of the kitchen. I don't think it has any meaning, but it's a nice touch.

Nope. But she's awesome as ever here.

I'm with you. My problems with this film:

Is this Matt Damon's way of getting back at Jeremy Renner for doing a Bourne movie by stealing his Hawkeye thunder?

Yeah it sucked, but it was a ridiculous psychedelic "comedy", not a genuine attempt at a Bond-style movie.

He clearly can't tell the difference between silicon and silica.

The BBC banned it for that? My goodness, that level of prissiness would have excluded 90% of rock music from the 70s.

"When I'm President I'm going to start extrajudical killings of anyone I nominate, reintroduce slavery, build a chain of privatised death camps for Muslims and women who've had abortions, legislate prima nocta for the President, and shoot a random family's pet dog every day!"

Yes, and your electoral system only amplifies this. Really, in that last "debate" (why do you insist on calling these shitshows debates? there's no debating going on), Pence was forced to lie repeatedly about matters of well-known public record and yet most people thought he "won" the debate because he appeared so

It doesn't have to be true. Just the right accusation with insufficient time to prove it wrong. It's pretty much the swiftboat playbook.

Cue XTC intro song.

Ha! I think you're making the assumption that Trump supporters actually care enough about how awful he is to not want to hear the story.

I've tried to keep an open mind about America, reminding myself that great people and organisations like Harriet Tubman, the ACLU, and so on are American. But then you have an election where Trump is running close in the polls and I just have no sympathy left for the country as a whole, only for those millions of poor

For me it's "Pet Name" and "New York City". I can listen to those songs forever,