
Is that you, Michael Vick?

You mean the IRS didn't put as much investigative energy into 501(c)(3) violations by poor people? Talk about bias!

Yep. At least if he stays in America, the CIA would worry about collateral damage when they whack him.

octopuses > octopodes > octopi

Have you tried octosaurs?

Except English is full of mongrel words like "television" (tele- is a Greek prefix, vision is from Latin), polyamory, keynote, quadriplegia, tonsillectomy, sociopath…

Quick reminder: 75% on RT just means that 75% of viewers/critics liked it enough to give an overall positive review. A middling but broadly enjoyable movie will often get a better RT rating than a polarising film. And Suicide Squad is currently running at 35% on RT, so by this metric it is waaay worse than AoU.

Even on subscriber cable, a show needs to get enough viewers to justify its expense. They don't use ratings because they don't have to — they can see exactly how many subscribers watched a show so they don't need statistical estimates like the Nielsen system.

I respectfully disagree with Rock there — just because you have a position doesn't mean you can't surprise. If a joke is obvious then the problem is the joke needs more work or needs to be discarded. There's a fantastic line about slavery in S2 of Fargo — it's hardly surprising that the showmakers are anti-slavery or

Didn't he fire the Dearth Star?

As AV Club commenters, aren't we all?


Something, something, St Bartholomew's Day Massacre…

You know what I'd love? If they rebooted Predator with an all-woman cast.

I don't get that impression at all. The showrunner has explicitly stated that BoJack crosses the line and crosses back routinely. And although BoJack's been plenty destructive to a lot of people, he's also been very helpful to people as well — for instance, after the early inappropriateness with Diane (which he seems

Hey! Ambidextrous is a perfectly good word for general use!

And RLM has itself criticised the stupid nitpickery of "Cinema Sins."

My thoughts exactly. I'm more than happy for movies to fudge things a little for dramatic effect, which is why I find the "less than 12 parsecs" line in Star Wars a charming idiosyncrasy rather than an irritating mistake, but when the mistakes are brazen and go right to the core of the story-telling than I don't find

Well, the other ridiculous steps to getting Kirk in the chair still pale into insignificance compared to the literally astronomical odds of landing within walking distance of Old Spock. And again, it's possible for defenders to come up with post-hoc justifications for why it happened — but the fact that the filmmakers

Oh, it's all YMMV. I just couldn't get into Irma Vep even though I am aware that a large number of people whose views I trust loved it. I can't point to what I don't like about the film — it's very smart, well-made, has good performances — but it just left me completely cold.