
Those people obviously don't understand the insanity defence, nor the fact that most people serving a criminal life sentence will get released if they live long enough (only about 20-28% of life sentences are without chance of parole, and even then some of them get released by pardon).

Only 5? Clearly you drank the Kool-Aid.

He was also clearly a cunning strategist, what with asking his jailers to release him so he can have another crack at murdering the president.

I thought FDR was the one that got the chair.

"Listen, Hinckley, we all know you're as mad as a loon and won't be out of a forensic psych unit for decades, but maybe we can cut a deal. See, there's this crazy plan we have about weapons and cocaine and Iran and Nicaragua and we thought, how crazy is this? And someone said 'As crazy as old John Hinckley.' And that

"Is this on the test?"

"It's basic human decency gone mad!"

Worse, we're now further past Back to the Future than Marty McFly's time jump back to the 50s.

Let's see, Avatar, everything Michael Bay did after The Rock, the Twilight movies, Jurassic World… he'll have enough material for decades.

Bernie supporter ≠ Bernie bro

He got lost looking for America.

Clinton is only centre-left in the US.

No, people are confusing magic as it appears in RPGs with magic as it appears in most novels. Even in LOTR, there's not a lot of fireballs and ice blasts. Magic works differently.

They also seemed to reuse the CGI models of the battle elephants from LOTR.

The problem with the Arthurian mythos is that everyone knows the big story moments, and yet the cycle is a huge mess of oral history accreted and reinterpreted over centuries with complex and often contradictory versions, and for a full understanding one should be familiar with the conflict between Christianity and

So you broke with convention?

Not insubstantial: BoJack Horseman, OITNB, House of Cards, Making a Murderer, Lady Dynamite, w/ Bob and David, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Beasts of No Nation, Lillyhammer.

Every year has its high points. So far I've really enjoyed Zootopia and The Witch and I expect I'll enjoy Green Room, The Nice Guys and Midnight Special, but yeah, the Wikipedia list of movie releases this year is pretty uninspiring. Even Hail, Caesar!, which I enjoyed throughout, was not nearly up to the Coens' usual

Calling a New Zealander an Australian is like calling a Canadian an American.

How can we trust someone who does not accept Ronald McDonald as their lord and saviour?