
A robot called McPerson?

Yeah, I'm not trying to evangelise you to cooking, but one of the joys of cooking that others haven't mentioned is modifying or creating new recipes.

If we're going to make fun of Indonesian dish names, nothing beats the day I saw a restaurant that had misspelled bami goreng on the menu so you could order bambi goreng.

Did you try cracking the eggs before pouring them into the pan? I find that works better.

Is that you, Anakin?

Well, if those buns were consecrated…

My school was so posh they served champagne and oysters on quidditch days.

Being known as a drinker was probably the least politically damaging character flaw. Gives the press something to rage about without seriously interfering with his job.

I wish this were true. The evidence suggests there is a large group of angry, anti-intellectual arseholes with a huge and unearned sense of entitlement who absolutely adore Trump.

Not wanting to bring down the thread or invoke Godwin, but it's worth pointing out that's close to how Hitler became Chancellor of Germany — he didn't get enough votes in his own right but a bunch of non-Nazis including Pres. Hindenburg thought that if they gave him the position they could then control him. Didn't

Are there prostitutes on the moon?

A lot of the masonic lodges in Australia were built in that godawful desert of architecture that was that 1970s. It's a sad irony that the lodges built by masons are often the ugliest buildings in many Australian towns.

I can be an International Odd Fellow all on my own, thank you very much.

Yeah, but you gotta have the set up for the payoff to work. The reason "Escape from LA" is such a great half hour of television is the nearly 2 full seasons that preceded it.

I have a sneaky feeling they were also having a little dig at Aaron Paul's almost-catchphrase from BB.

"Under-acting" is probably taking things too far, but you're right that Shatner as Kirk was not the scenery chewer he became in Boston Legal and other late-career performances. (Although, to be fair, he did bring a bit of the old ham to the ST movies…)

Well, Kirk is a sex hound who punches people. The problem with defining his character that way is it takes a superficial view of his nature and forgets that there was a lot more to him. For instance, he generally only punched people when they forced him into a physical conflict. I can't think of an example where Kirk


Have you been watching politics recently?

And Klingons were the Mongol Horde.