
Psycho Girl Gone on a Train

And in five years, she'll be Zac Efron's mother.


There Will Be Blood was the best 2.5 hour comedy I've ever seen!

I too really like Frances Ha. I even found it funny as a jaundiced character study of a woman couch-surfing through life years after she should have grown out of it. But yeah, I mostly liked it for its observational acumen and acknowledgement that the typical cute MPDG of most indie romances would be intolerably

I expect this to be a Dan Savage headline one day.

I think of it as a 1978 movie that just happened to be filmed in 1998.

A bitter comedy about a paranoid over-officious loser mall guard? Sounds right up my alley but I haven't seen it.

I love WHAS and I would be happy with it in the lower end of the top 10. What I said was it shouldn't be #1.

Thanks for the tip. I must admit, much as many people have told me how great it is, I can't bring myself to watch another Michael Bay movie.

Dammit! Missed that one.

The problem isn't that Spielberg is a sentimentalist, it's that he applies sentimentality even when he shouldn't (see the end of AI, Saving Private Ryan, Empire of the Sun…).

Viewing Jurassic World as a deadpan Kubrickian satire of human self-destruction through vapid stupidity makes it a lot more enjoyable.

Middling list for me. There are a lot of great comedies here and no shockers, but they've missed a lot of good films and included a lot of mediocre stuff and even as an ardent defender of Wet Hot American Summer, there is no way I'd put it as the best comedy of the last 16.5 years.

Or they could make a film about funding in arts faculties called Bonfire of the Humanities.

Kathleen Hanna is very intelligent. She just didn't use her intelligence in this particular interview. But, you know, Hatesong is hardly the sort of feature that is going to make people explore complex themes in an articulate manner.

To be fair, she does say that a lot of her hatred comes from hearing it over and over in a karaoke bar — it's not just the interpretation.

Ska Wars.

Sure, but you've chosen a job with very specific requirements for language and problem-solving intelligence and used it as an argument for the inferiority of other forms of intelligence. You know, I expect professional dancers to have excellent body-kinetic intelligence, drivers to have good spatial intelligence

Or trying to get Gene Hackman to replicate Rod Steiger's character from In the Heat of the Night only with less nuance and without the arc.