
So Galileo is holding a telescope and a model of Jupiter. Fair enough. And Jupiter is holding lightning bolts. That's appropriate to his mythology. But Juno? She seems to be holding a frying pan. (Maybe it's meant to be a magnifying glass?)

I find him really interesting in his Venture Bros form.

Yes, but we still inherited from England a the idea of class superiority through utterly spurious grammatical "rules", so you'll hear plenty of Australian grammar snobs complain if they hear a split infinitive.

Agreed. People are mistaking quiet smugness for modesty. The Brexit mess ought to clear up any misconceptions that Britain doesn't have its own case of toxic exceptionalism.

They could have had a bat mitzvah.

Orwell set the book in the future with technologies that did not exist at the time (universal two-way television, mind-control linguistics), so I think it's fair to say that he was making predictions about the future — but not in a "this is the way the world will be" more of a "this is the world that the triumph of

And they actually deal with intersectionality without ever putting a name to it.

I think the film deals with racism rather well, actually, especially if you remember that foxes are looked down on by everyone, not just the rabbits. Zootopia is also, despite its name, hardly a utopia. It has at least one violent organised crime syndicate, secret holding cells, paramilitary groups used by the mayor,

I think the tone of this article is not intended to be taken seriously — at least I hope not, since John Lasseter is hardly the kind of producer to back down from sad scenes in a kid's film and Zootopia had quite a few downer scenes in the finished film anyway.

She's rolling over in her display cabinet. Only $7.99 per view.

Never! In any fictional universe where you need a steam-era protogenius, always go with Tesla!

I feel sad for Ehle — fantastic actor but even the studios seem determined to undermine her career, I mean look at the screenshot above, she's the one whose face is blocked by a headrest!

Little Miss Dystrophy

Also, declaring a haven in the midst of a Confederacy that itself had seceded on immoral grounds and started the Civil War makes it very different from Bundy's "I can take guvmint land cuz I want to" attitude.

I still want to watch Refn's movies but after this interview I don't really want to hear him talk about them. Maybe that's his game plan.

I was expecting saltier language from Dr Brackish Okun.

There's a nice little book by Patricia Anthony called Brother Termite which proposes this theory. Unlike the History Channel, it didn't pretend to be non-fiction.

It had a budget?

Wrong choice, Brett.

Here's the problem: it's true that something is big as the US Civil War will contain many complexities. But the state rights issue was not really the cause of the war. The state rights issue only arose because the Southern states refused to accept the election of Abraham Lincoln on an abolitionist platform. These very