
That's no way to talk about the good people of Stanistan. Stereotyping like that is something people of Stanistan deal with too much.

Biden does the bumping

Oliver and Co.

The don't want to kill six million jews, they want to kill six million muslims.

Seeing Nathan Rabin writing for the Dissolve probably brought this on.


There is a disturbing segment of the autistic community that would probably like that

I forgot it existed, I assumed they cancelled it a few years ago.

It is becoming no better than professional Rollerball

And the MLB is spying on you with satellites.

The Simpsons was not too kind to the Pog or its inventor Steve Allen

He's twice as creepy as Roman Polanski somehow

He didn't really think of the latin market

"Smith, That isn't Jewish is it?"

He produced The Universe and The Bible, he works for the History Channel.

Are you michael bay?


Bye Book!

How does ESPN get any contracts with ze NCAA when every 30 for 30 about college sports has them coming out as ze villain.

I was hoping it would be Chief Wiggum and Skinner.