Fuck you, "Fuck you, The Killing.", for not being first, where you are much funnier.
Fuck you, "Fuck you, The Killing.", for not being first, where you are much funnier.
Fuck you, "Fuck you, The Killing.", for not being first, where you are much funnier.
Agreed. The shows she would play with Deacon Lunchbox, Opal Foxx Quartet, and An Evening With the Garbagemen…well, it put to shame most other bands who dared to call their concerts a "show".
Agreed. The shows she would play with Deacon Lunchbox, Opal Foxx Quartet, and An Evening With the Garbagemen…well, it put to shame most other bands who dared to call their concerts a "show".
I think Linden's motivations in showing the key card haven't played out yet — remember, she specifically asked before the search whether the elevator cameras were functioning.
I think Linden's motivations in showing the key card haven't played out yet — remember, she specifically asked before the search whether the elevator cameras were functioning.
No need, you're right. He trundles off to a confused smattering of applause.
No need, you're right. He trundles off to a confused smattering of applause.
Doug Benson is not your monkey. He is my monkey, and will be here in 5,4,3,2…
Doug Benson is not your monkey. He is my monkey, and will be here in 5,4,3,2…
Good stuff.
Good stuff.
Jonathan has been dropping hints in the last few episodes that he's getting a little weary of Hollywood, if not the podcast itself. I'm on constant high-alert now for an unwelcome announcement, and I don't like it.
Jonathan has been dropping hints in the last few episodes that he's getting a little weary of Hollywood, if not the podcast itself. I'm on constant high-alert now for an unwelcome announcement, and I don't like it.
The plot contrivances I've learned to live with….but honestly, I kept waiting for some reference to David living some sort of ascetic lifestyle to explain how the news of Rosie's murder had managed not to penetrate his consciousness. But no, he appeared to have electricity, and immediate neighbors, and everything.
The plot contrivances I've learned to live with….but honestly, I kept waiting for some reference to David living some sort of ascetic lifestyle to explain how the news of Rosie's murder had managed not to penetrate his consciousness. But no, he appeared to have electricity, and immediate neighbors, and everything.
He's game and funny — what's not to like?
He's game and funny — what's not to like?