Marty the chess champion? Pass.
Marty the chess champion? Pass.
That moment was really…yeah. Of course, a post-shower Chelsea flirting with Kim on the yacht…..also yeah.
Good one. A few others:
Lost in the deathwatch hand-wringing is that it remains fun watching (most of) these actors inhabit their characters. Gabe's peacocking in the break room, Dwight's gullibility at Jim's dream of beet farming, Pam's alarmed reaction shots to inappropriate office behavior….these are all funny things that happen.
Sorry, what I meant was he's ugly! And also old! That can't possibly be entertaining!!
Could work, I've seen him be funny. You know he won't be overwhelmed by the moment. I mean, shit, he'll be funnier than Eli freaking Manning.
I agree that the Joan/Peggy scenes were awkward — was anyone saying "it is what it is" in 1966? That seemed out of place. As does Joan, at the moment. It's unclear what's in store for the character — I hope the writers find a way to keep her from seeming increasingly tacked-on as the show moves forward in time.
Great moments in master detective work: 1) Linden evidently unaware that the 24-hour holding clock starts when the suspect is booked, not when they get around to talking to him the following afternoon, and 2) Stan showing up to the station ready to supply pertinent information, only to be told by Linden that it would…
Lifting her feet when she walks.
Troy had the right idea, and if he'd needed just one confederate among the women instead of two it might have worked. But risk aversion does indeed seem to take over, and so his task was exponentially more difficult.
Kat certainly showed some gameplaying moxie this week, from her canny "What am I gonna say, no?" reply to Jay's plan to being the only one of the women to put on a convincing show when Jay voiced his concerns to the group. It may have been Kim's plan to get rid of Jay, but it was Kat who served him up on a platter.
Film Junk
The Grantland reviewer has been (rightly, IMO) praising the wacked-out tone of this season. This is my first read of a Rabin review for the show, and I found the hostility disorienting, compared to what I've been reading. I actually agree that this was a weak episode, but clearly he's not on board with what I think…
I also feared that Kim was stepping out of the shadows too early. At the moment, though, it appears she only spent political capital on those whom she plans to target next, and has weakened them possibly beyond their ability to do much about it. Save for an idol blindside, of course. Still, strong stuff from Kim.
Well, that's completely different. Never mind.
Kat knows Tarzan to be a lover of neologisms, and thought it a gallant gesture to allay the sting of voting for him.
Right — Daisey can call what he does theater, but his dramatic voice is one of extreme moral certitude, to the point of expressly implicating the listener in what he "witnessed". So it matters whether he witnessed these things or not. In terms of his impact on working conditions in Chinese sweatshops, it's an open…
Conjecture — I wonder if that idol might still make a surprise appearance in the personal belongings of either Alicia or Christina. Colton had no (onscreen) opportunity to slip it to anyone, so the "souvenir" line could have been a smokescreen. And since there was no vote going down at TC, there was no need to get…
Except that he actually says his plan is to BE up Colton's ass, which tells me he's there for his own reasons.
While I agree that Colton has a hammerlock on Tarzan and Leif so far, I agree with recapper that Jonas has found a comfy spot where he can lay low and let shit happen, possibly for a good long time. He's the only one of those three I can see implementing a plan.