Drusus Nero

I think that's where I first heard the melody/beat/whatever, and much later saw Reality Bites and was mildly confused.

no, it should be etc. et cetera means "and the rest of the things," not "and others" exactly. alii is masculine plural and means "and others," but can refer to a mixed group of men and women.

lovemydog, that's pretty much what we had for our reception too—a live jazz combo, fabulous and bountiful hors d'oeuvres, and nonstop flowing champagne and awesome wine. We just wanted a big jazzy cocktail party, no YMCA-style shenanigans.

Nice try, Fox
But this doesn't sound nearly as empowering as the midget one, The Littlest Groom.

Except for the interminable camping trip.

The NYTimes review is pretty negative, more so than this one.

You're both wrong. It's Avada Kedavra. GOD YOU GUYS.

I also learned about this show on "Make 'Em Laugh"—I loved that series, PBS and now apparently these message boards form a staggering percentage of my source for information on stuff.

That sounds like the most depressing relationship ever, even on the avclub comment boards, jesus. But I'm glad that works for them?

I thought Ratatouille's story was wonderful and more complex than most other Pixar works, like the Incredibles or the Toy Story movies. It plays around with a larger number of tensions—for example that between creation and consumption, and then its corollary between (artistic) creation and criticism, or more simple

no san francisco? this is so sad! I feel like when I lived in chicago everything happened in california or NY.

My cohort of Top-Chef-viewing ppl were singularly horrified at Padma's replacement. That woman looked like she hadn't eaten in years—every single expression was that of a strained, self-starving narcissist. She couldn't even smile, there is clearly no more joy left in her life, only her all-consuming eating

This may be cliche
It took me two or three views to really love Citizen Kane—the first time I saw it I wasn't too blown away, but now I find all of the layers and nuances and atmosphere absolutely enthralling. I think I needed some time to grasp the larger framework before being able to focus on the gorgeous details.

I thought I "should" like The Decemberists and listened to a couple of their albums assiduously for a few weeks, but continued to find them annoying and twee and self-important. So I gave up. About a year later I heard one of those albums at a party and was shocked at how well-put together and lovely some of their

Kiera Knightly.
Especially post-Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely do not understand why she keeps getting cast in period pieces—she and her stupid underbite face just don't work for period pieces, but more importantly in dialogue she just sounds like she's reciting meaningless syllables and has NO IDEA what they mean.

The Roman Empire rocks.

Or your tv shows bear titles like "Naranja y Media" (loosely "LOLAdultery").

Culo—except that it was prime time, so it was "Brigada Cola." Classy!

Guillermo Francella
Weird, I never thought I'd read his name on on the avclub. Maybe he's reinventing himself on the indie international scene, but for the longest time he pretty much epitomized all that is horrible about Latin American entertainment. In the early 90s he starred in this show that translates loosely to

Yes, that was the most negative I've ever heard Terry Gross be—though polite and not pushing any one objection further than a couple of comments once it was clear that Kirby Dick was oblivious.