Drusus Nero

And that poor guy from the Crow. I remember that sparking lots of waily garment-rending in appreciation..

What is he, like 50? He was so pretty, and now looks so weird and stupid. I know someone who looks a lot like him, I wonder if he'll age as badly. It's my husband.

Though it can also involve the ability to rewrite the narrative and landscape of your life. I guess that applies more to actual personal blogs than Facebook profiles (must ALL female mid20s bloggers sound like chick lit characters?), but there seems to be a lot of room for self-fashioning on sites like that.

I am appalled at the lack of morbid curiosity displayed here. Sure, once you read ppl's profiles you realize they're super-boring, and you probably would never have thought of them if they hadn't friended you, but still… all that power of information is titillating!

I didn't think Renee's reaction was weird—she's had a crazy day but isn't all Jack Hardcore, so in her state of exhaustion and near unhingedness the news would have been devastating. She looked stunned more than anything.

Like blaring "Lust for Life" in a commercial for a family-friendly vacation company?

It's a generational thing—if you grew to love music in the days of LPs and cassettes then it's really hard to get behind the shuffle feature as a standard way to listen to music. I think post-iPod people may be similarly confused by all the rabid ppl clamoring for the sanctity of the whole album.

Crow Jane was the quintessential song of my adolescence, I am baffled by all this hate. (I haven't listened to that album in forever though, my tastes have probably changed.) However I do agree with all the other stuff about Nick Cave.

The week I was born "Eye of the Tiger" was #1—I can't quite remember the tune, every time I try my brain starts playing "The Final Countdown" or whatever it is Gob uses for his magic show.

The most ridiculous theaters in Chicago were on 63rd and on 87th, maybe? It's been a while. I saw whatever that Star Wars movie was at one, and when Yoda was getting ready to fight whomever everyone went NUTS and started whooping and OH NO YOU DIDNT YODA GONNA KICK YOUR ASS.

Not that I can think of. Would the people in the Dharma Initiative in the 70s have spoken Latin as a code, or was it just Alpert's people (and later Juliet)?

I'm late to the game because I'm on the west coast
But hey, no discussion at all about the most famous Horace? Although Noel's phonetic interpretation is an interesting possibility, the name Horace may (or may not, of course, with this show) refer to the Augustan poet.

I'm so pleased that someone mentioned Waiting for God! There is a fair amount of bland standard sitcom stuff (like the ugly woman in love with the jerk director), but Stephanie Cole's character makes the whole show transcend. I want to live there when I'm old.

Seu Jorge in turn proved to be a gateway to David Bowie for some people after Life Aquatic, as deranged as it sounds.

I didn't even KNOW the New York Dolls was considered glam rock for years, and in fact would have been snottily dismissive of the idea that I enjoyed anything glam. Other than David Bowie's hair in Labyrinth.

Whatever your final opinion about which one is better, I think Ziggy is more accessible, and thus a better intro.

So did the film retain any of the Pride and Prejudice undertones of the book? Or I guess, given the intended audience, the Bridget Jones undertones?

An entire wheel of Cowgirl Creamery Red Hawk, grilled sweetbreads with lemon, lemon and rosemary roasted chicken thigh, caprese salad, a bowl of black cherries, bananas foster with vanilla ice cream, a cotes-du-rhone.

has one of the best illustrations of the bittersweet ethos of the hooplah surrounding the Phantom Menace release. Wasn't Jesus in line for a month to see it? Or was it some random white dude? I forget.

I am seeing this tomorrow
I'm delighted that this is getting good reviews. Along with the success of the Pixar movies, hopefully this will signal a movement away from pop-culture-laden condescending tripe like the Shrek movies and insert-wacky-group-of-animals-doing-wacky-things, now-with-extra-ethnic-sassiness.