
Kind of a bit of both!

I do understand that, but for me it was like the end of the Hannibal novel - I couldn't buy the Clarice Starling character as she was in Silence of the Lambs being turned that far away from herself, and I didn't buy it here, with Will Graham, either. Although thinking about it, Fuller's version of the Hannibal world

I get what you're saying, it needs to be pretty bombastic to be satisfying. I think if Will had seemed conflicted about it, I might have found it easier to swallow. For me, what makes Will Graham an interesting character is the conflict between his hatred of death and murder, and that to prevent it he has to get

I think you've summed up my problems with this season better than I did

Believing he might be capable of becoming a killer is one thing, having him turn a corpse into a human-animal hybrid - and have him apparently be sane enough to convince Jack to be on board with that - was just too ridiculous for my tastes

I really haven't enjoyed the second half of this season. From the monster suit onwards I just haven't been able to get on board with it. The whole conceit that Will would mutilate a body just to catch Hannibal - yet we're still supposed to believe he is actually a sane person - was totally ridiculous to me. I know the

Seeing these ads as a kid was probably the first time I became aware of Bob, if not from Roger Rabbit. It IS good to talk https://www.youtube.com/wat…

The Ravenous soundtrack IS awesome. Just FYI