
I found the hyper-realism of the character rendering to be at odds with the cartoony action. I mean, at some point a lot of talented people had to decide how many of Captain Haddock's nose hairs should be rendered individually so the audience could see them move when he spoke, and I can't help but think that time

Brent is even more of a tosser in the specials than he is in the 2 series; that they upped the ante on his awkwardness and rudeness while making him a shameless whore to his meager celebrity in the process was all the reason they needed to do the specials. Also, I think you'd have to be a soulless husk to not

"Contributed" makes it sound like Nick Rhodes played the washboard on a track. I was under the impression he produced Monkeyhouse. It certainly sounds enough like The Devils and TV Mania to support his full production of the album…