Obnoxious Little Frog

All of this is merely a distraction from the bigger issue in play here: There's a boyband called "TFBoys," and it has a member named Wang. Wang!

Well, you're in luck: The AV Club doesn't employ any actual journalists.

"The man-children who don't want their favorite movies from the '80s remade are really just saying they don't want women in the lead roles."

You really want an eccentric billionaire behind the trigger of a giant freeze ray?

You'd think they'd put more care into their appearance, given their six-figure salaries and the high esteem in which the public holds them.

Two words: Jian Yang.

The 21st Century: Not a good one for female characters, apparently.

Bold choice of locale, I must say.

Meh. Iron Man already has two fists. Iron Fist is half the man Iron Man is, at best.

If you walk into a movie "worried" about being represented on screen, you probably shouldn't go to movies, or think about any kind of art at all.

It's articles like these that make me look forward to the day when the AV Club's Univision overlords finally dismember it and sell off its parts. I'll bet that day is closer than we think.

The Revenge of the Sith review's back half does a superb job of putting all three films together and explaining both the technical (lazy blocking, CGI overload, etc.) and more-subjective reasons why those films definitely DO deserve our hatred, contra the AV Club.

The instant-reaction is why RLM has the "Half in the Bag" feature. But
even that has more insight and actual appreciation for art than the AV Club's disingenuous film "coverage." I see a lot of AVC's resentment of that in between the lines of this particular writeup.

Naked Pictures of Famous People is Jon Stewart's mastepiece. Yeah, you heard. It's about time it got a modicum of love around here.

That's a TERRIBLE LIE, and you know it!

Love The Social Network film score. It's like NIN without all the Trent Reznor.

I thought the point was that fire-prevention requires attention to detail.

"Charles and Merengue."

No way, man. That level where you have to traverse the disappearing crystal platforms was intense.

I always dug that that song replays midway through the final boss battle. It really gets you pumped and helps you forget how disappointing and easy that last fight is.