Obnoxious Little Frog

Her helmet will be huge.

The obnoxious little twirl is the best part!

I hope the goods don't end up DAMAGED during shipping.

Yes, he was a big reason X2 is the best in the series.

"I'll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like lamprey pie."

(Something about fucking your sibling.)

Don't worry, I'm sure the Newswire will find a way to continue shilling for him.

That's our word for you!

Welcome to the minefield of enlightened pop-culture consumption.

No backsies. You officially can't not want to see it and still not be a misogynist.

Jared does have ghost-like features.

The number crunchers did not consider what would undoubtedly be enormous costs of federal, state and local regulatory compliance (the fact that that man had no dick didn't mean he wasn't going to go away), as well as liability insurance, and legal expenses, including litigation costs.

A much-more yelly Tywin played by Cox would have been entertaining to watch, but I still think Dance's deeply-disappointed-Dad portrayal of the character is more memorable.

"Don't worry, money. Your money's money is all that moneys."

PBS had a perfectly reasonable explanation for the incongruous imagery—the public broadcaster combined footage from previous “A Capitol Fourth” broadcasts with the live shots (possibly even from the Sunday’s dress rehearsal) to put together the sis-boom-bah the nation was counting on.

Dang, I still need to see that one. Blue Valentine was so devastatingly excellent, and Mike Patton's involvement in TPBTP is icing on the cake. Carry on.

In addition to Bill Clinton? Huh. Never knew that.

"Tell them I hate them!"

Wasted opportunity to use a still of Lt. Uhura doing her famous "fan dance."

Actual personal ownership of a computer-related product? How very '90s.