
Jolene is my fav.


Sometimes you can't correct every single aspect of a student's paper — it overwhelms them. You have to have a focus. (You can choose to correct the grammar in a second draft, for example, or in another assignment, or in class, you can go over common grammar mistakes.) If you have a bunch of kids who say things like,

I certainly wasn't trying to make that equation. As a former writing teacher, only saying that you can choose to emphasize one skill or another in a particular assignment.

I think it was pretty inappropriate for Fran to grade one of Hannah's student's papers, especially without asking, and I can't really imagine someone doing that. It's also perfectly appropriate to prioritize creativity in an assignment, and to put aside grammar corrections for that assignment. So in this case I think

great username! Mine comes from the same source……

I can't stand him.

Sorry for your loss; I lost mine about a year ago. Very tough.

ha! just posted the exact same thing below…..(but without the graphic. Nice!)

yeah, agreed, and not only that, but at most precincts in Brooklyn, they would park outside on the street (each precinct has numerous spots set aside for the cops), or perhaps, some scruffy little outdoor lot next to the precinct. Underground parking — highly unlikely.

Loved Bhaji on the Beach!

I think her hair was completely different.

Terry: That's great, sir. One little tweak…

watched it when I got home tonight…not as good as last week's, though…Although i did love Leo's matching cap.

it's not just you.

Finally, some good news. Very happy.

playing Patrick on Sponge Bob

i think it makes sense and wouldn't be at all surprised if Joshua is right.

Love Jeremy, and love when he gets some good lines.

Great show - great recap — laughing all over again.(Also loved Messina's delivery of the line about Jesus: "No, he lived with his Ma.") deserved more than a B!