The Avenging Unemployed Copy E

No ZMF button?

In Soviet Russia, you can see the Palins from YOUR house?

@Sephiroth: Totally. And if I were Rob Corddry, between "H&KEFGB," "What Happens in Vegas," "Hot Tub Time Machine," I'd worry about getting typecast as such.

I saw it on Urban Dictionary and adopted it for the sake of clarity: "Petty dictator quitter from a sparsely populated state (who) spreads slander on Fox News." That liberates "Palin" to refer to the Monty Python guy.

My middle-school health teacher, sporting a monster beer gut and yellow beard from smoking, made it a little mantra: "Don't drink, smoke, cuss or chew, or mess around with girls who do."

I immediately thought of B. Rabbit from "8 Mile."

Did we go to the same school system, or is that just really common?

The second one lets W. off the hook even more easily than the titular duo get out of Gitmo. Even more easily than Oliver Stone …

The Department of Irony …
… is looking into this Situation.

@Terry1: Alert the Freedom Fan!

I just saw Billy Bragg perform like three weekends ago.

"Sugar off down the road"
I like that: I'm gonna have to incorporate it into my vocabulary. That and "box of fluffies."

James Blunt
I can't stand the man's music, but I find his biography fascinating. Sounds like a good guy to boot.

Is it worse to feed the bears or the trolls?
I'm pretty sure that Jayson Blair was not a movie reviewer for the NYT. I wouldn't be surprised if the Times had separate critics for film and television.
But what the f*ck do I know? I'm unemployed.

Barry Bonds

"Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich?"
"Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich."
(Nary a "t" in any of them.)

Did I do that right?

I wouldn't mind being immortally trapped inside Katherine Heigl …

"Being John …
… Malkovich" (no "t")!