
Might not be "which Pablo." could be "which life."

I've been watching "Arrested Development" on Netflix Instant lately, after having owned the DVDs for many years. The streaming quality is literally better than available on DVD, and the show isn't available on Blu-ray: it was filmed in HD and it streams in HD. It's fantastic, contra "Blu-ray, meanwhile, provides

I think this is an episode that could've been helped by being an hour long, like they used to do with The Office. As it is everything was so rushed.

There's another important bit of perspective here: Opening weekend isn't everything. The movie isn't being pulled from every theater in Creation today because it only made $10 mil in a three-day period.

I saw a preview screening at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin a couple weeks ago and loved it, and therefore I saw the rating was less than AAAAAAAAA+++++++++++++ and immediately called Scott Tobias a fucker, in my head.

We can use the title for an homage porno still, right?

mr. show
Not only is the headline a Mr. Show reference, I think it's probably also a reference to that sketch's use by the Alamo Drafthouse theater in their movieoke promos.

I watched season one a few years back after hearing people go on and on about it, and I thought it was contrived and not very funny. Also, the ethnic dialogue was so clearly written by a couple of white dudes. Season two was no better and I gave up there.

They said he was some kind of scientist…

They said he was some kind of scientist…

What the hell is "Mssr."?
The abbreviation for Monsieur is just "M.," like the Fritz Lang film.