
No Tree of Life?
Doesn't that open tomorrow?

No Idea Why I Find This So Hilarious
From "I Know Where I'm Going!" —

The Tenenbaums moment that always gets me is the very end of the long shot after Eli crashes the wedding. I've been convinced of Ben Stiller's dramatic ability solely based on his delivery of "It's been a rough year, dad." Gets me every time.

If it's longer than 100 minutes, cut to 100 minutes. Really should be about 80 or 90 for any comedy.

Love the album.
This is the first I've heard of Bill Callahan/Smog and I can't get enough of the whole album. I've tried some if his older smog stuff from the late 90s, but haven't been able to get into like I have this. Where's the best place to start my education of his work?