Don't worry, it's still cool to like the Daily Show.
Don't worry, it's still cool to like the Daily Show.
Hello Friends!
Hey you potsmoking wastoids! Scroll to the last paragraph of this:
anal creampies?
anal creampies?
Not to be an aquafiesta, but she wears american girl doll clothes.
Hello Friends!
On a totally unrelated note: as many of you may already know, Slate is doing a procrastination week. They asked a bunch of different people how they procrastinate. One of them is seventh circuit court of appeals judge Richard Posner. And he says something to the effect of "the albatross hanging over…
Like when robert downey jr crushes the spider on monaghan's breast, and she's like "dont worry about it, it happens" and the ensuing freakout. Thats a very real scene to me. More than just a bit of heart.
Oh modeselektor is so the shit. I heard an all songs considered with Thom Yorke where he played Kill Bill Vol. 4 and said that to him, the song says, "lets create something coming out the speakers that makes us want to do what we want to do." Which is dance like a crazy motherfucker. I love it.
Yeah, Arrested Development was awesome, and I'm glad it got canceled before it jumped the shark. But surelock has no soul.
Kitkats are hands down the best fun sized candy
I am not glad the first comment was deleted, drawing unnecessary attention to this.
Just because there's a lot of effort put into it doesn't mean that its well done. Autechre and Boards of Canada put Matmos to shame.
It gets a bit tedious at times (I'm looking at you "Quail Dreg") but I still like it.
When you consider how much it cost, then yes, it is that bad.
I'm not actually sure where to begin with this one:
^That, while true, was a stupid comment. I humbly request you ignore it.
And for the record, dicking around with oscillators can be art, like Silver Apples. This however, is FAR from Silver Apples.
Seriously, what a badass. Talk about giving the finger to Johnny Law. As an elected official.
Perhaps Tom Petty never made SoCal country rock
because he and mudcrutch are from Gainseville, Florida.