
Fitz: It smelled like a rotting corpse.

She used her powers to keep it open, because Fitz just jumped in and the portal would stay open a very short time naturally.
Only problem more she was using her powers, more fatigued she become and more blood started coming out of her (pretty) nose.
They got both back but the Monolith was reduced in rubbles afterward.

Professionally I know a bit about wounds.
The bleeding happen initially. After a few days there would be no more bleeding. An infected/rotting wound will smell owful even if the person is alive.

And it make sense Fitz when allucinating Simmons had her look at bulky Mack and appreciate the look.
It wa snot him liking mack, it was him simulation her behavior in details.

Mack embrace Bobby.
He is her best friend there.

"Cut off one head—"

Ward told Andrew they had a way to control the inhumans they got. "get the Inhuman out"
Hydra had many ways to brainwash and control people

He shot him two time before, then walked him around to get to Fitz and Will, and he was bleeding.
This would weaken a lot of people (maybe not Wolverine - he would just be èissed off).

The easier explanations is this:
1) All other characters are happy/relieved all the others are alive and well (maybe Jemma is sad for Will, but happy for Fitz).
2) They know Zombie-Ward got out of Earth, so there is little to be relieved and a lot to be scared.

It is surely full of hubris.

Looking back to the scene, they saw inside the pod, from the large window. So, I suppose, Jemma (and all others) saw Daisy, Coulson, Mack and Fitz. She didn't saw Will, so she went near the window to peak inside to see if Will was there. She didn't saw him and then turned and saw Fitz and embraced him.

Apparently he can TK only unanimated stuff like guns and fire extinguishers.

It was Hydra machinery to keep the portal open, like they did in the past.

Daisy killed a lot of Hydra agents when they recovered Lincoln.
She started the first season like an helpless hacker girl not able to shoot anyone. But, I think, being shot in the gut changed her attitude a lot.

Half a dozen.
But he had not his signature (now returning) weapons in hand and not tight t-shirt.
Tight t-shirts on her body give a lot of karma points to use in battle with the villain's goons.

The portal was opened by Hydra old technology (hydraulic stuff).
It was the vibration created to keep open the portal that knocked Daisy off.

Technically, it should be on Maria Hill.


The enemies you feel nothing for you just kill.
The enemies you hate you talk them to death.

I don't think so, because fish and shellfish are totally different things.
They just live in water.