
What the fuck? Are there literally no AV Club commenters that are critical of The Beatles? I'm shocked at how much bitching is being done about certain Beatles songs being on this list. I like The Beatles just fine, but even I know that plenty of their music is not as good as the world jerks them off to be. Walking

Eh, hating Orthodox Jews isn't that far off from hating fundamental Christians. I know girls who have walked down the wrong street in Israel while wearing shorts and got rocks thrown at them for being immodest.

Featuring Senor Feeture?

I've watched the whole thing. I think it builds up some interesting mysteries, but the end reveals aren't especially satisfying. It feels like there's more to the mysteries than there actually are, and I was somewhat disappointed with the way it all ended. I'd say it's a good show, but not a great show. The acting is

2 Froze 2 Furious

Anyone who's seen Adam Scott play stoned on Party Down should know that it's the best thing in the universe. I can't believe I'm excited for something on NBC.

I don't think they'll kill off 616-Peter, but they might retire him for a while. They tested the waters with Superior Spider-Man: would we accept a Spider-Man title that doesn't really star Peter Parker? To an extent, we did.

Yeah, I always have trouble watching Futurama because Zoidberg and Professor Farnsworth sound identical.

The fact that Billy West has never won an award makes me want to puke in the sink.

Christ, the way things have been going lately, I was expecting this to be an article about how Lady Gaga got raped by Bill Cosby.

Think you could think you could think you could bench a Scion?!

This seems like the most likely option, although I don't know how he would know exactly what Sara said. My hope is that this is some kind of Mirakuru thing that brings our friend Slade back into the mix.

Which in turn is like finding out Jesus knew karate. Imagine that, Stan. Karate Jesus!

Loud, sexually-oversharing wild card? I hope they cast Artemis Pebdani instead of Melissa McCarthy.

4 8 15 16 23 69.

That would have been better than the Queefmobile.

I would argue there's at least a little precedent for that with Agent 13 in Cap 2. Maybe the numbered agents are a specific kind of top-tier SHIELD field agents.

Bojack Horseman feels like an odd combination of Ugly Americans and Funny People. It started out as a show that felt like it was okay enough to watch idly but eventually as it transforms from comedy to dramedy, it becomes a much more effective show. I would love to see episodic reviews for it.