Fairway Frank

Let's not say things we can't take back.

Fact: Season 2 > Season 4 > Season 3 > Season 1 >> Season 5

Totally ignorant American here, but I always thought Melbourne was the hip, younger, party town, and Sydney was the bigger, more conventional (boring) big city?

Did she not testify as a CIA employee? She says verbatim, "I'm a case officer in the National Clandestine Service."

I guess, and I could buy that the whole point is that they don't know how to handle her homecoming, but I've been in similar situations and conversations like that are normally held behind closed doors.

I guess, I really like Dana and thought she was strong, it was more the stuff around her I didn't like.

Also, in the frustrating category: How on EARTH is Carrie still a CIA agent? Just in this episode, she was outed as having had an affair with, basically, bin Laden; the investigation committee, as well as probably the leak, know she was missing at the time of the attack; and she angrily confronted the Director of the

Parts of this show are so tight and entertaining. All the operational stuff, anything with Saul that doesn't involve his wife, the hearing at the beginning- all of that is tense and fascinating, the same stuff this show has always done well.

Yeah, stupid Americans. With their famous people.



It's nice to at least see the honesty come through in this type of writing. Despite being someone who the author admits is clever and someone who thinks for themselves, Dennis Miller's ideological shift/bolstering means that he is now "preaching almost solely to the right". God forbid you leave your tiny intellectual

Yeah, they're from Rockville, MD but went to OSU. Their concert every summer in MD is usually a big deal.

R.E.M.- "(Don't Go Back to) Rockville"

Can Marylanders help me figure out a state song that isn't O.A.R.? Not that I don't like O.A.R…

Dr. Dre brand khakis: Pleats by Dre

Uh, in which culture?

ohhhhhhhhhhhh THIS is what my campers were doing all the time this summer

Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have no jobs, no hope and no cash