Opinionated Teen

I remember hearing Dr. Dobson on the radio. At 7:30 sharp I would tune in to Adventures in Odessey, but my clock was two minutes fast, so I always ended up hearing his voice instead. And then I'd listen for a minute or two. It's kind of funny now-as a kid, I never understood why he was always talking about marriage.

Mr. Random, be as open-minded as you can be for a moment and look at things from our perspective. As far as we know, everyone around us is in immortal danger, and we can help to stop it. So why wouldn't we try?

So it's very interesting that this post came up today. I almost did exactly the same thing I did yesterday to a separate person today. I'm having trouble with teachers, brothers and sisters, who, while they may or may not be total jerks, do not need to be corrected by little ol' me.

Not so fast, Mr. 4Jesus. I wouldn't be so hasty in judging other people's hearts. And I'm not just being flippant here. I'm also a Christian, and I *hem* did…*hem* somethingalmostexactlylikethisjustyesterday. *hem* I'm just saying, everyone screws up once in a while.