Unique Thinker

Love Switchblade Sisters as well, especially the mopstick beating of the guy in the wig standing in for the butch prison guard. Go Jezebels.

I watched Strictly Ballroom (during which I fell asleep) and The Maid (La Nana), which was a good minimalist character study.

What says Google?

Also, Arcade Fire is only a Canadian band in a very superficial sense, being that Win is basically the whole band, and he's a Texan.

Yes, winning an award might actually make him smile, and then his face would presumably explode.

Paul F. Tompkins is probably funnier, definitely more versatile and all-around more entertaining than Louis, yes, but I would put Louis ahead based on the craftsmanship of his routine and the deeper insights underlying the material. But seriously, both of those guys are a great gift to comedy. I can't even think of

Favourite "Stan Daniels turns"…
I'm not a huge fan of Human Giant, but I fucking lost it at the Stan Daniels turn in the sketch that ends with Will Arnett randomly screaming "I'm gonna live forever!", immediately cut to a TMZ post titled "Will Arnett Killed By Sex Machine".

I have clear recollections of seeing this special as well, including a very disturbing wordless segment where Garfield was an escaped lab cat that had been experimented on or something like that.