I can forgive a lot of things but I can't for give that vocal "performance".
I can forgive a lot of things but I can't for give that vocal "performance".
Did you read the full article above? The question wasn't stunningly brilliant, it just sounded reasonably intelligent and the guy was fairly articulate. It doesn't take a lot of research to find the question was actually kind of self-serving and then when people got interested enough to check out the guy's background…
ken bone t.v. man
Like it says on the t-shirt from The Onion: Stereotypes Are A Real Time-Saver
Please continue…
These people don't need Trump, they need Patch Adams…come to think of it, we all need Patch Adams at this point.
Really, because I said Americans are a strange bunch? Especially in light of recent goings-on in your country?
I've wallowed in some of them.
Think about what "that much"?
I think it's hilarious that this guy was any kind of news at all. The fact that there are already Ken Bone Halloween costumes, now likely mostly coming to a landfill site near you, is insane. the reaction and decline cycle of a "story" like this are practically simultaneous at this point. As far as O'Neal's assessment…
You Americans sure a strange bunch.
You DO!
You blue yourself?
It's actually a failed European hamburger chain.
The sex?
Dunning-Kruger in full effect.
TOMMY: We hit the deer, and his paw … What do you call it?
Certainly by Leo.
It's pirates all the way down.