The Pig In Zen

That or drugs. Because the '60s.

And quite frankly, you smell terrible.


Don't you worry about Planet Express. You let me worry about blank.

You know that dance wasn't as safe as they said it was.

…are you saying "pow" or "paa"?

So, we're not supposed to like Rob Riggle?

Um, yeah, thumbing your nose at people who like sports? Is this 10th grade?

I prefer my comedy to not make me laugh.

It's Time to Stop Getting Mad at Community Fans

Yes, states banning gay marriage should be treated like baseball players who took steroids: why should they be punished for what everyone else was doing anyway???

Yes on amending the state constitution to ban gay marriage.

Wow, they really want it dead, don't they?

In our movie, we kidnap God.

I just had sex

Can I kiss one of your eyes?

Pinkie, it doesn't matter at this point, because someone was offended, and therefore that makes the AV Club just as bad as literally any other website that exists, up to and including Yahoo! and Stormfront.

If the AV Club comments section destroys your trust of men, then The Rest of the Internet will erode your soul.

Parks and Rec may be the most thoroughly likable show on television.

I mean, where's this ridiculous mindset that bad things nobody likes need to stop?