The Pig In Zen

I mean, the ratings were AWFUL, so I think it would have taken a miracle for it to be taken off the chopping block. Or at least NBC having enough faith in it becoming a pop culture phenomenon, which it wouldn't have, because it would be, at the absolute best, a very popular cult show. That being said, they could have

I wouldn't say better than the pilot, because the pilot was phenomenal, but yeah, a big problem with the show was that it had to focus on getting viewers as well as expanding on the premise so the show could become sustainable, and the latter doesn't matter as much as they former.

So we have a bipolar commenter?

…do they live in Ecuador?

Eh, if there's anything NBC's been lousy at the last few years, it's getting people to stick with new shows, especially crappy new shows, which almost all the ones they greenlit look to be.

Nah, Parks has Pawnee.

I assume one very rich man watches it, then buys everything that gets advertised.

It's called a turf 'n' turf.

Now we can get back down to business: WHERE ARE JUKEBOX THE GHOST TOURING???

I'm convinced that this is just some sort of ellaborate Boiler Room-style scheme to keep crappy shows on the air so people won't get too much of merit from TV.

Should I go with 13 or 22 episodes?


Thanks, President of NBC!

If he isn't, that's pretty impressive.

Dane Mel Gibsoned the fuck out of that, where he managed to get some sympathy from bitter, angry comedy nerds like us, then started touring and telling angry, unfunny jokes about chainsaw fucking.

Hey, it was an excellent pilot followed by a decent show. Hopefully what he does next will have some staying power.

Your back rub was given a thirteen episode order, but then production was halted after a bunch of horses were killed.

Harry's Law fans= the enfeebled.

I watched Awake regularly until this week. There's like 10 hours of my life I'm never getting back.

1) He's not funny, but people laugh at everything he says as if he's making a joke. Seriously, watch that special he does at Madison Square Garden. It's just 90 minutes of people screaming at everything he says. It's fascinating.
2) He's a douche in real life.
3) He's a joke thief.
4) The movies he made should make you