The Pig In Zen



"This is a children's show. It's not for you. Why are you watching it?"

Do people actually call it fro-yo, or is that like people supposedly calling pizza "'za," where it's so repugnant no one would actually do it?

This one time I crushed your mom with a giant penis statue.

Now I have four children.

…wow, I never thought that one through before.


Not that this is related, but the reason I love April baseball is for the fact that announcers are constantly saying "no homers" over and over again, after which each time I do my best Patrick Stewart impression.

To be fair, Flanders was a kind, compassionate, empathetic, and devout Christian, something that doesn't really go together now.

Excuse me, I'm John Smith.
John Smith 1762?
My mistake.


Also, even as a 30-year-old man, I know Al Jolson mainly through Simpsons references.

I don't want to say anything too obvious, but goddammit, this show used to be so fucking good.

It's like the third whitest problem there is after "My DVR's broken" and "I forgot my SPF 40, so I'm red all over."

Hey man, they're premiering The Pitch on a Monday night!

I predate stainless steel, so you don't want to get me wet.

I would hope that American Dad's syndication has Fox keep the show around for a little while longer. That or, God forbid, they keep it on because it's in its goddamn prime, and is easily the best show they have on that night (though Bob's Burgers is still pretty great).

I have this feeling— and I'm probably way off here— that the show is just OK, and is neither the most obnoxious thing ever or a bold, wonderful new show about women.

Don smoked a joint and had farm flashbacks. I think him on acid may just be him seeing his father get kicked in the face by a horse for 7 hours.