The Pig In Zen

I agree that it does feel the same, but as many others—including yourself— have pointed out, it was a dismissive scheduling move on Fox's part; this sort of nonsensical move is par-for-course for NBC.

NBC's programming has all the virility of hot ham water.


Basically, like anything else dealing with Nielsen ratings, it's a thing that makes no sense that networks adhere to anyway.

Aw. I didn't know that was happening.

So, are you for real, or… what?

…is "hugging his Malfoy" code for something?

See? This is why I love it here.

I dimly recall there being a list of necessary Fringe episodes to catch up.

I haven't even watched Fringe as of yet and I find this to be great news.

NightStand= part-time tennis coach running out of the room in tears

But first

Scrawler, the second one.


Really, it just pisses me off when Christians (or Jews or Muslims, but I'm an American, so really, they're a non-issue) when Christians get preachy and obtuse about the absoluteness of their beliefs, so I figure it must piss them off when atheists and agnostics to the same toward them. So, really, fuck everybody.

The show would be incredible if he didn't get way too smarmy every now and again.

I think he was Ron Paul curious for a while there until he discovered what Ron Paul stood for when legalizing weed and ending overseas wars was taken out of the equation.

To be fair, I made it about ten minutes into Religulous, and I think religion is profoundly silly.

Last Man Standing guest starring Kim Kardashian: "Fuck you, America. More people will watch this than anything you actually like somehow."

Hey, I like him.