
The scene from a couple seasons ago, with Capone playing mandolin for his son, with his son holding his hand to capone's vocal chords to feel the vibration is the best scene of this entire series. This one, while not quite as great, was a nice moment to have again.

What the hell happened that made all the regulars leave??

I like to watch a competition on the Golf Channel called "Big Break" (it's ok to point at me and laugh, my wife does).  This season they did something that I thought was very smart.  Rather than eliminate one player each week starting in week one, they didn't eliminate anyone for the first few weeks, and then in week

I'm not a Christina fan.  She may know her stuff (maybe, I don't really know), but she often looks uncomfortable and is prone to rambling and Lil-C-lite statements of nonsense.  However, I would take that over someone who is just there as a TV presence and has nothing to add but jokes.  Personally I thought Wayne

It was very odd.  The dancers were forced to "dance for their lives" and then the judges announced who was going without any deliberation.  I thought Carlos's solo was excellent, and Brittany's was for more interesting than ballroom solos tend to be.

I love Bollywood, but every time they do it now it feels a little lackluster, and I usually end up going on YouTube and re-watching the Joshua and Katee dance from S4.  I am never not smiling when that one is done.

Maybe the producers are concerned that with the Twitter and the Interweb being what they are now, it would get leaked every week who was eliminated.  Season one was actually a shockingly long time ago and man I'm getting old.

This is actually a remake of a Japanese film called Blingu.

Call this an unfair generalization if you must, but old people are no good at everything.

Kid A is good stuff, but it's simply not possible to beat the 1-2 of Airbag and Paranoid Android.

It is.  And I can't wait for GWAR to come back so the lead singer can drop trou in the middle of the room and drop a deuce while mumbling semi-intelligible lyrics into the mic, and then get voted #1 again.

How about Private Ryan?  I'm not sure it's top ten, but if not, then it's not in the top 50 at all, which seems odd.

How about Private Ryan?  I'm not sure it's top ten, but if not, then it's not in the top 50 at all, which seems odd.




I love that album, but I find that song almost unlistenable.

I love that album, but I find that song almost unlistenable.

Totally agree.  And I LOATHE that Batman voice.

@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus First things first: Mitt Romney is a douche.  Second, I disagree with you.  If you can't afford $15 extra for premium channels, fine, then don't subscribe.  But you also don't get their product.  The lameness of the corporation behind it has nothing to do with it.  Who