Billy and the Cloneasaurus

And some are Louder Than Bombs.

This Smiths pun thread is threatening to be Marred of all its Joyce.

She'd want you to. Heaven Knows You'd Be Miserable Now if you missed it.

There is a Lie that Never Goes Out?

Pop-pop gets a treat?

Delta Quadrant!

Shhh, @avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus ! You want Rick Berman to swoop in and "correct" that?!

And as a bonus, here's one of my favorite Picard FUCK YEAH moments, as long as we're talking TNG and Klingons:

And don't smile.

@avclub-948871c9b02dc17517ee3c9ee7dc3f09:disqus , it was definitely after FC.

I really am with you there. Wallace Shawn is fantastic, but sweet magical space anomaly, is his character in DS9 grating as shit.

…Well, hell.

Oh yeah, good call on that… I forgot it directly informs stuff in Redemption.

Not all of us are trying to quantum torpedo your efforts here, Nathan. Ignore @Automocar:disqus !


DON'T. MAKE. ME. DS9 WORF YOU, @avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus .

This is only partially snark: If you're going as TNG Worf, just be prepared to get your ass kicked a lot, and have Picard and Riker shut down your prudent security concerns.

Don't make me conflate the two characters. It's too painful.

And he twists the knife with a Barclay! Ouch.

Yeah, Jim gets it. That was one of the best self-referential winks in Star Trek.