
Heull also saw a picture of Jesse's brains blow out.

But Alec Sulkin and Wellesley Wild are funny.

da fuck is this guy.  Kravitz takes poops better looking.

Just started to watch for the first time…agree with the review.  Also where has Joelle Carter been all my life!!!!

Me too, that place rocked.  Saw a lot of Silent Majority there too.

The band Bulldoze comes to mind.  The most boring though guy band ever.

Yeah it used to fun…I was 15-16 in 93, loved going to shows but then all these "cool guys' started going to shows.  They seemed like they only were there to punch people in the face, not to see Silent Majority or Indecision.

Avail was one of the those bands whose album to me never captured their live energy.  I like their albums but seeing them live was always a good time.  Also the DM Skinless is in this category.

They played most of that album when I saw them at the PWAC on LI.  It was awesome.  Still a great record that holds up.

Didn't he produce that Clipse song "Grindr"

Looks like Pharell.

Dennis: One word: coffee. One problem: where do you get it?Liz: Anywhere! You get it anywhere!Dennis: Wrong! You get it at my coffee vending machine. 38th & 6th in the basement of the K-Mart. You just go downstairs, you get the key from David and BOOM! You plug in the machine and…

Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks.  Just started.  Just finished book 1 of the Thrawn Trilogy…eh.

I like when people take up a 5 page article to basically say- " You don't understand how important I am to life, culture and art".

He's more important than you.

The Bill Gates of Taylor Swift.

Oh Crap!

Like what you like who cares if people think its pretentious or not.

I want Rob Reiner to make me sandwiches.