Cobra Commander

I totally agree about how Mike played this. It just didn't work this time, but there are enough red-headed step-children on Omatepe that it might still work later.

Of course not NightmareFuel, nobody watches Perfect Couples.

That video is insane. Who were those people?

Hit. Hit. Hit. Hit. Fix.

Sounds like a Facts of Life remake.

I'm not.

Really? I thought the Spitfires in space was one of the stupidest parts of this episode. I don't need complete realism in my Doctor Who, but how did they equip the Spitfires to fly in space in like 5 minutes? I mean really?

I didn't notice any difference in their look except they were different colours, which was totally lame.

This episode sucked. Let's hope next week is better.


May you have a beaker of acid thrown in your face.