Bug In Freaktose

I think the movie is about a question, rather than any answer - the question being what does it mean to be a male in the modern world. Our genetic inheritance is to hunt horses in the plain or whatever, but, as the movie clearly shows, that is not really an option. So now what ? I guess we have to figure this out

Speaking of Tres Cabrones, where the fuck is my review.

(deleted comment didn't add anything)

Yeah, I always sort of had that sense - but it's a shame that the fanbase is specific (incidentally, how would you characterize this `certain taste' ?). I really don't understand what is there not to like.

Am I the only one who loves Femme Fatale ? For me, it's one of the most fun and entertaining neo-noir films ever. I mean, it's got rebecca romijn in full femme fatale mode, lesbianing it up, performing impromptu striptease and engaging in all manner of twisty classic de-Palma-style sheningans. It's like the perfect

Lupin Addams: I keep hearing that - but is that really true ? Every time I  see a dead channel it's either black or `snow'.

No, you are absolutely right. It's a very pithy and poetic way to say how ominous and omnipresent technology feels in that world (and in our world now as well I suppose), rather than just purely the weather, which is what, it seems Leonard was getting at.

So what you are saying is that his response to me would have been to say `Shut the fuck up and read what I actually wrote, you  ignorant halfwit.', all delivered with a deceptively charming southern drawl, and then spraying me with buckshot ?

R.I.P. and he'll have my eternal gratitude for giving us Justified. As for the 10 rules… it's interesting that rule number 1 gets broken by probably my favorite opening line of all time:

manky alone flattens everything Nirvana has ever done. edited to add: I meant everything Nirvana has done put together.