
I invited all the Guitar Heroes
We threw away the guestlist and lost a thousand bucks

Lisa needs braces!

Crappy seasons? Great seasons? Our generation experiences neither highs nor lows.

"Here comes Wonder Woman
Fighting for her client
Wearing sexy miniskirts
And being self-reliant!"

The Mule
A Foundation reference? Is that from the show or just the recap?

Wilhelm Scream!
At about 4:20.

I'll put my dislike of Morrissey into comment form
"I don't like you."

And re. having the star of the Brit show come over to US for the remember, I remember it happened with Kryten in one of the remakes of Red Dwarf. So there is precedent.

What America Watches
Mass Media Monitor
The Purpose Of The Goggles
Television Division
Going Astray On The Cathode Ray
Televisual Discussion Experiment #94
Todd's Looky-Loo
TV-oholics Anonymous
Persistence Of Vision
Our Tube
TV Guide Of The Damned
I Watched This On Purpose
Todd VanDerWerff's Gotta Eat Somehow

"The scene in the hardware story"
What can I put here that doesn't make me sound like a douche for pointing out a small typo?

You see, this thread is based on euphemisms

My balls!

+1 internets to the person willing to register the user name "Mittenslot".

Todd van der Werff probably watches that much.

That's no roll of quarters in his pocket either.

Do I win the points?

Spend part of your time studying, and part of your time

There really was a cake.

"I hope my butt didn't look like that! Okay, who do we have left that's good? Wilkes, Patrick… Jeffrey Dahmer? I love that guy! "

His hosting will have a Mass Effect on audience numbers.