The secret ingredient…
… is *phone*.
The secret ingredient…
… is *phone*.
You know what that catchphrase reminded me of?
Swiper no swiping!
Swiper no swiping!
Swiper no swiping!
Dethklok did it first
Can you get mugs in the shape of Wilco band members? Hmm?
Also, "Another bonus of Plot 2 is that it Mulder's dramatic escape…"
Country Road.
It is midnight. You stand in the middle of a quiet country road running north to south. Above, you hear the rustling of a tree's branches. From the east comes the fetid stench of a zombified cow. The west field contains inky blackness.
What did you expect, what with being a cloneasaurus and all?
Better Call Saul!
Ahead in the polls.
Talk radio.
Excellent. I welcome this new word to the English language, and will look for opportunities to use it in the future. Nahmean?
"Not a big Melville crowd here, huh? I get it. He's not an easy read."
What about Janeane Gruffalo?
Did somebody say Cookie Monster costumes?
Chuck and Wesley stole it. Now Charlie's out for revenge!
Chuck Norris cures all.
Chuck won't let his good friend Wesley be taken away, will fight the police who come to arrest Wesley, and they both start an international famous-person crime spree. Charlie Sheen, who isn't invited, weeps into the bosom of his sex-worker.
"I'm always thinking about how I don't want to get stuck in Fred."
Sounds like these people need to call the Guild Of Calamitous Intent.
Registering's the only way to post functional links.
It's part of the Wall St. 2 podcast, you effing nutjob. 2010. Barry Obama. Red, green. Red, red, green.
Seriously, not a firstie, Gorpomon's got that covered
But there's a link to part 2 of this round-up, and no link to part 1. Did it even exist? Am I going mad? What year is this? Who is the president?