
It would have brought a nice piece of continuity between all of Zack's reviews, too.

It would have brought a nice piece of continuity between all of Zack's reviews, too.

John Kerry.  Mitt Romney.  Zack Handlen?

John Kerry.  Mitt Romney.  Zack Handlen?

Yeah, it could have used a reference, such as Odo saying, "This is the same Kor that parlayed with Kirk at Organia?!"

Yeah, it could have used a reference, such as Odo saying, "This is the same Kor that parlayed with Kirk at Organia?!"

Your batting average is still high up there, Zack.

Your batting average is still high up there, Zack.

I read Memory Alpha the other day, and it stated the the episode was originally a Seven Samurai/Maginificent Seven style script, that they then adapted for the three klingon characters under Robert Hewitt Wolfe's advice, so that sort of explains the personality disparity.

I read Memory Alpha the other day, and it stated the the episode was originally a Seven Samurai/Maginificent Seven style script, that they then adapted for the three klingon characters under Robert Hewitt Wolfe's advice, so that sort of explains the personality disparity.

I was shocked.  I was hoping for a discussion about how Kor's and Koloth's personalities got switched for this episode. Not to mention the forehead issue.

I was shocked.  I was hoping for a discussion about how Kor's and Koloth's personalities got switched for this episode. Not to mention the forehead issue.

It begins and ends with Wendy's Baconator.

It begins and ends with Wendy's Baconator.

Conan O'Brien for Flash!

Conan O'Brien for Flash!

It must be nice to have so much time on your hands that you are able to read reviews and comment on shows that you do not like.  I don't even have enough time to devote to things that I actually like.  My damn netflix queue is almost 200 dvds long.

Buffy isn't the be-all and end-all of great television.  Hell, I ended up liking Angel a hell of a lot more as a more adult show that ages a lot better than a show based so much on teen angst.

Buffy isn't the be-all and end-all of great television.  Hell, I ended up liking Angel a hell of a lot more as a more adult show that ages a lot better than a show based so much on teen angst.

People have no imagination anymore.  It's the story that really counts.  That's why I can enjoy so much of the original Star Trek.